Accept SMS messages and post them to a forum
AtomJump Messaging Server Version: >= 0.6.00
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Git Clone


AtomJump Messaging Server >= 0.6.0

Twilio or some other SMS receiving service with a phone number to receive.


cd /your/messaging-server/plugins
git clone

Edit the js/config.json file as below. Enter your URL as into e.g. Twilio's SMS notification URL on receiving an SMS.



Text a message to the phone number you set up, with 'forumName@' i.e. a trailing 'at' sign after the forum's name. e.g. text

hello world travel@ 


   "serverPath": "your_path/messaging-server/",
   "domain": "",
   "forumPrename": "ajps_",
   "respond": true,
   "uniqueSenderName": "AccountSid",
   "uniqueSenderId": "ACc05c593319f12504bdd01b2cacf2f573",
   "fromField": "From",
   "bodyField": "Body"
serverPath Your AtomJump messaging server path, including the trailing slash.
domain Include the code 'FORUM' where the forum name will appear. This is in the returned in a reply SMS after a user has sent their own in.
forumPrename This text will be prepended to the user's entered forum, to create the true forum name.
respond 'True' to reply to each SMS with a confirmation SMS. 'False' does not reply.
uniqueSenderName The field name parameter requested in the URL that defines who identifies the sender. In Twilio, this will be 'AccountSid'.
uniqueSenderId The required value in the URL parameter defined by 'uniqueSenderName', for the message to be accepted.
fromField The URL parameter sent from the SMS receiving software that defines the telephone number it is from. In Twilio, this will be 'From'.
bodyField The URL parameter sent from the SMS receiving software that defines the message body. In Twilio, this will be 'Body'.